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Rules of the Munster Football Association

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  • Rules of the Munster Football Association

Munster FA 2004-05

1. Title

This association shall be called “Cumann Peile na Mumhan” or in the English language “The Munster Football Association”.

2. Headquarters

The Office of the association shall be in the city of Cork.

3. Objects of the Association

The objects for which the Association is established are to promote, foster and develop the game of Association Football in the Province of Munster, and to take all such steps as may be deemed necessary or advisable for preventing infringement of the Rules of the game or other improper practices in the game, and for protecting it from abuses and to do such things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them as the Council may determine.

4. Affiliation to F.A.I.

This Association shall be affiliated to the Football Association of Ireland and be bound by its rules and regulations.

5. Interpretations

In the interpretation of these rules the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings unless excluded by the subjects or context:

(a) “Association” shall mean the Munster Football Association,

(b) “Council” shall mean the Council of the Munster Football Association,

(c) The words ” The Association” and “This Association”, except where otherwise stated, shall include the Council of this Association as constituted under Rule 12.

(d) Days shall exclude Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays.

(e) Associate Members shall not have the right of representation and voting at Special or Annual General Meetings of the Association.

(f) Clubs in these rules shall include teams of clubs, which teams shall be eligible to membership.

6. Association Power to Deal with Breaches of Rules etc.

The Association shall have jurisdiction in all matters concerned with the game in the Province of Munster, and the Council shall have power to deal with, as they deem fit, any League, Club, Club Official, members or players of clubs in membership of the Association guilty of misconduct or breach of these rules, or in any way acting in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Association.

7. Membership of Association

All clubs playing Association Football in the Province of Munster and other such counties or Districts as may be agreed with other Divisional associations concerned, subject to the approval of the Football Association of ireland and M.F.A. shall be eligible for membership. On admission each club, their respective officials, representatives, players and member shall be bound by the decisions of the Council, and such decisions shall be final and binding on all concerned, subject to all existing rights of appeal. All such clubs, Officials, representatives, players and members shall be subject to the Rules, for the time being of the F.A.I. and such rules shall be read and held as part of these rules.

8. Affiliation of Teams

(a) The Hon. Secretary shall give clubs 14 days notice through their League Secretaries of subscriptions being due on the 30th September.

(b) In addition to affiliation fee, each team shall be required to pay an Annual Levy of €6 for Youths and €13 for Junior, Intermediate and Senior teams for the development of Football.

9. Information to be furnished by Clubs

Each club shall forward to the Hon. secretary of their League, with its subsciption, the names and address of its Secretary and all committee members along with distinguishing colours and situation of its dressing room and ground, stating whether ground is public or private. Clubs shall be required to keep minutes of their meetings, showing the names and dates of election of new members, etc. and when members leave, transfer or resign.

10. Clubs changing Secretaries etc.

Leagues and clubs changing their Secretaries or Secretaries of clubs and Leagues changing their addresses, and telephone numbers are required to advise the Hon. Secretary of the Association of the alteration at once. Failure to do so will render such League or Club liable to a fine, suspension or expulsion as Council may deem fit.

11. Office Bearers

The Hon.Officers of the Association shall be Hon.Treasurer, Hon.Secretary, Hon. Asst.Secretary, Hon.Asst.Treasurer, to be elected at the AGM by a clear majority of the representatives in attendance, together with the Chairman and Vice Chairman to be elected at the first meeting of Council. A person must be a member of Council, for a minimum of three(3) years before he/she can be nominated as an Office Bearer.

Constitution of Council

12. The Council of this Association shall consist of the Hon.Secretary, Hon. asst. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Hon. Asst Treasurer, together with five(5) members to be nominated and elected at the Annual general Meeting. Every candidate for election must send to the Hon.Secretary of the Asociation, on or before 31st March in each year by registered post, a nomination paper signed personally and containing his full name and address and the club if any to which he belongs, together with the names of nominators who must be members of the Association. Every candidate shall be nominated by at least (4) clubs in membership of the Association, signed by the Secretary of the committee or on behalf of their respective clubs.

One Representative from each Premier National League of Ireland club having their ground situated in the Province of Munster and one (1) representative from each of the following League Management Committees: Munster Senior League, Cork Athletic Union Football League, Cork Business & Shipping League, Waterford District league, Limerick District league, Kerry District league, Tipperary Southern & District league, North Tipperary & District League, Limerick Desmond Football League, Clare District League, Red House League, and the West Cork League. Any League which had more than 100 teams affiliated for the preceeding season shall be entitled to a second representative on the Council.

In the event of any representative being unable to act through illness or otherwise, he may be replaced by the respective body concerned.

13. No person, not being a retiring Hon.Secretary, Hon.Asst. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon.Asst. Treasurer, shall be eligible for election to the office of Hon.Secretary, Hon.Asst. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Hon.Asst. Treasurer, unless he has not later than the 31st March each year, sent by registered letter to the Hon.Secretary of the Association, a notice in writing signifying his candidature for the office, giving the names and addresses of his proposer or seconder (who shall be the Secretaries of affiliated clubs), which notice shall be signed by the candidate, his Proposer and Seconder.

(a) The Council shall have the right to nominate persons as Hon.President and Hon.Vice President of the Association not later than the 30th April.

14. Power to fill vacancy in Council

The Council of this Association may fill any vacancy in the Office of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Hon.Secretary, Asst Hon.Secretary, Hon.Treasurer, Asst. Hon Treasurer, Auditor or Auditors, which may occur during the season.

15. Election of Chairman etc.

At the first meeting of the Council after the Annual General Meeting they shall elect from their number a Chairman and Vice Chairman to act for the season. The Chairman or in his absence the Vice Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Council at which he is present, and shall conduct the business in accordance with the ordinary rules of procedure of which he shall be judge.

In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman they shall appoint a member from amongst those present to act as Chairman. In the case of votes on any motion the presiding Chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberate one.

16. Council may delegate its Powers

The Council shall have power to appoint such committees or commissions as it may be considered necessary and may by resolution of Council or standing orders delegate all or any of its powers to such committe or commission. The Council shall make such regulations for the control of the game for Senior, Intermediate, Junior and Youth football, by the setting up of Sub Committees or such other bodies as may be deemed desirable or directed by the Council of the Football Association of Ireland. The Council shall make such regulation for the control and remuneration of referees and for Cups and club competitions as they may from time to time consider necessary.


17. Disqualification of Members







Power of Council





20. Special General Meeting

21. Ineligibilty to attend General Meeting

22. Protests, Appeals and Investigations

23. Protests and Investigations

24. Mode of Voting

25. Delegates

26. Duties of Hon. Secretary

27. Duties of Hon. Assistant Secretary

28. Duties of Hon. Treasurer

29. Checking Gate Receipts

30. Funds and Accounts of The Association

31. Members of Council’s Rights of Access to Books

32. Clubs & Players cannot play under any Rules other than this Association’s

33. Clubs or Players Infringing these Rules

34. Suspended Person or Player ieligible to hold Office etc.

35. Objectionable Conduct

36. Appeal against Punishment

37. Suspension of Clubs

38. Suspension of Members or Officers

39. Suspension of Member of Club

40. Players at Disposal of Council

41. Powers to deal with Players refusing to play in Representative matches

42. Clubs Responsible for actions of its players etc.

43. Dates Reserved by the Council

44. Cup Competitions

45. Protests relating to Ground etc.

46. Transfers


47. Referees to be Neutral and Pass Examination/Referees Fees

48. Profesional Referees or Players ineligible to attend Meetings

49. Complaints against Referees

50. Indemnity

51. Members of Council entitled to Free Admission to Grounds

52. Expenses allowed to Members

Chairman & Hon. Treasurer, Owners of Cups, Money etc.





55. Rules to be furnished to each Club


56. Amendments to Rules

Production of Books etc.



Council to deal with matters not provided for




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