• Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

North Tipperary & District League

Supporting Amatuer Soccer


Munster Football Association

Football Association of Ireland

North Tipperary & District Rules Are Set Out As Follows

North Tipperary & District League – General Rules


Rule 1: Title
The amalgamation of clubs shall be known as North Tipperary and District League, with all clubs being affiliated to the MFA and FAI.
· Rule 2: Object of the League
The object of the League shall be to promote, foster and develop the game of association football, and to take any steps necessary for preventing infringements of the Rules of the game.

· Rule 3: Constitution of Management Committee
 The management committee of the league shall consist of 6 (Six) members, Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and 3 (Three)elected members. The chairman shall have a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote in the event of a tie. Four members are required to form a quorum. Any member of the committee absent from three or more meetings without satisfactory explanation shall be deemed to have resigned. Committee members must serve a minimum of two years on Committee before becoming an Officer of the League. Officers of the League shall be elected from the management committees at their first meetings after the AGM. Any vacancy shall be filled by co-option.

· Rule 4: Mode of Voting
Each club membership shall be entitled to have one representative per team at AGM/EGM and all delegate meetings. Each club will have one vote with the Chairman having a casting vote as well as a deliberate vote in the event of a tie.

· Rule 5: Delegate Meetings
All clubs must be represented at delegate meetings, failure to attend will warrant a substantial fine. Delegate meetings will be held at designated venues.

· Rule 6: Election to Management Committee
Nominations for election to the management committee must be sent in writing to the League Secretary by registered post on or before April 30th, with the signatures of two clubs other than his own club.

· Rule 7: A. G. M. Agenda
Any item for inclusion on the Agenda for the AGM must reach League Secretary by registered post on or before April 30th.

· Rule 8: Motions for A. G. M.
All motions for the AGM must reach the League Secretary by registered post on or before April 30th.

Rule 9: Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting (EGM) shall be called, at any time by League Management, or upon receipt of the League Secretary, a requisition signed by 16 club secretaries and a deposit of €100 to defray expenses. Only business specified in the disposition shall be dealt with at such meetings. League Secretary must receive by registered post the requisition and detailed reasons for meeting 10 days prior to the meeting being held.

· Rule 10: Suspension of member of Management Committee
Any member of the management committee having divulged confidential information on business being transacted by Management Committee or having brought discredit on the league, shall be dealt with a deemed fit, by the remainder of the committee.

· Rule 11: Delegate Meeting Agenda
If a club wishes to have an item included on the agenda of a delegate meeting, they must inform the League Secretary in writing 7 days before such a meeting is held

· Rule 12: Right of League Management
The League Management shall have the right to include or discard as they deem fit, on delegate meeting agenda.

· Rule 13: League and Club’s A. G. M.
The league AGM shall be held on a date prior to MFA AGM as decided by Management Committee.

· Rule 14: Rule Changes
Rule changes can be made at AGM or when deemed necessary by Management Committee. Clubs are to be notified of rules changes throughout season.

· Rule 15: Power of Management Committee
The Management Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter not covered by rules.

· Rule 16: Duties of Chairman
The Chairman shall have the right to determine the length of time a speaker may speak at a Delegate meetings or AGM.

· Rule 17: Rule of Management Committee
A Minimum of four members of Management Committee must be present at all meetings. If the chairman and the Vice Chairman are absent a vote shall be taken to elect chairman for the meeting.

Rule 18: A. G. M. Reports
All clubs shall receive a copy of Secretaries and Treasurers reports at AGM.

· Rule 19: Right to Request Investigation
A member of any club shall have the right to request the League Management  to investigate the running of his/her club. The Committee shall have the right to comply with, or reject such a request.

· Rule 20: Right of Access to Books
The League Management Committee shall have the right of access, at a reasonable time, to the books, accounts and all details of fundraising, income and expenditure of all clubs in membership of the League.

· Rule 21: Club Investigation
The Officers of Club being investigated shall supply all information and explanation considered necessary to assist any investigation being carried out.

· Rule 22: League Membership
The Management Committee shall have the right to refuse any application for membership of the League.

· Rule 23: Objectionable Conduct
The Management Committee shall have the right to suspend, fine, expel, or otherwise deal with any Club, Player or Official whose conduct is considered prejudicial to the best interests of the League.

· Rule 24: Fees
The annual Club Affiliation fee and players registration fee shall be decided by League management.

· Rule 25: Public Liability  and Players Personal Insurance
All Clubs must have their grounds covered by Public Liability Insurance. Clubs   MAY arrange Players Personal Insurance, while not compulsory it is Recommended

· Rule 26: Club Officers
Each Club shall supply the League Secretary with the name, address and phone numbers of its officers, and its representative to delegate meetings.

· Rule 27: Change of Secretary or Ground
The League Secretary must be informed by registered post, if a Club changes their secretary or Grounds during the season.

· Rule 28: Registered Colours
All Clubs must register their colours before season starts, registered colours must be worn for all away games.

· Rule 29: Team Colours
In the event of a clash of colours the home team must change. In all Finals both teams must have alternate strip, toss of coin to decide choice of colours.

· Rule 30: Communication
All communications with the league must be made by Club Secretary only.

· Rule 31: League Property
The League Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall for intents and purposes be the legal holder of all properties, in trust, for the League.

·Rule 32: Player Registration
A Player is only eligible to play in a League or Cup match if there is at least one (1) calendar day between the date of receipt of the registration form by the League and the day of a match.

Rule 33: Registration and Transfer Forms
The Registrar shall receive all documents in connection with registration and transfer of players.

· Rule 34: Return of Registration Forms

Registration forms will be accepted by hand before the season starts. All registrations thereafter must be sent by post. Players will be considered Registered from date of postage. Registration fees must be pre-paid.

· Rule 35: Transfers
No player shall sign for any two clubs during the same Season without first getting a transfer from his original Club and satisfying all valid claims of that Club. Original shall mean the Club which the player has signed and registered for first during any one season.

· Rule 36: Transfer Sanctioned
A Transfer will only be sanctioned by the Management Committee when a Transfer form, signed by the Player and Secretaries of both clubs concerned and with the correct Transfer Fee is received through the post by the Hon. Registrar of the League.

· Rule 37: Legality of Transfer
The transfer is not legal until League Secretary confirms transfer has been granted. Any irregularities as a result of transfer may lead to the club involved losing points.

· Rule 38: Transfer Refusal
Any player refused a transfer request shall have the right to apply to the League Management to grant transfer. The League Management will have the power to grant or reject Transfer request.

Rule 39: Ineligible to Play

 Any Player  having played more than 5  Competitive Matches including League / Cup  and Shield games in any Division shall not be eligible to play in a lower Division unless Re-Graded on application. (applications  can be rejected)  Players can be Re-Graded only once during the Season. The maximum number of Re-Grading per Team is 3 per Calendar  month. No Re-Grading after January 31st.

· Rule 40:Transfer Deadlines
The two Transfer periods for the Amateur game shall be 1st June to 30th September inclusive and the 1st December to the 31st January inclusive.

· Rule 41: Failing to Fulfil Fixture

A Team failing to fulfil a Fixture are liable to a minimum fine of €100 and a 3 (three) point Deduction.
A team failing to fulfil a Fixture for a second time  in any one Season that Team shall be Suspended from the League and fined €300

· Rule 42: Withdrawing Team
If a Club with more than one Team wishes to withdraw a Team during the season they must withdraw their lowest division Team. League Secretary must be informed in writing of such withdrawal.

· Rule 43: Fine for Withdrawing Team
Clubs shall be liable to a fine of €250  for withdrawing a Team during the season.

· Rule 44: Points Awarded
If a Team withdraws from the League having played more than half of their League games, points will be awarded to opposition for remainder of un-played fixtures.

· Rule 45: Points Deducted
If a Team withdraws from the League having played Half or less of their League games, all points won from them shall be deducted.

· Rule 46: Fixtures
All fixtures must be strictly adhered to. No club shall have the right to postpone or rearrange a fixture and any fixture so altered must be declared void.

· Rule 47: Fixture Postponement
Only the League Secretary or in his absence the League Chairman may grant a postponement and only under extreme circumstances.

· Rule 48: Match Abandoned
In the event of a match being abandoned before the completion of 90 minutes, the Management Committee shall have the right to order a replay of full match, or award the game as it deems fit.

 Rule 49: Suspended Person
A person suspended by the League or any affiliated League shall not during the period of suspension, play or take part in any activity, match or fixture under the auspices of the FAI

· Rule 50: Right to Appeal Decisions of N T & D L

All Clubs shall have the right to appeal any decision of the North Tipperary & District League to the Munster Football Association in accordance with the rules of that Association.

· Rule 51: Right to Appeal Decision of M F A
Decisions of the MFA can be appealed to the FAI in accordance with the rules of that Association.

· Rule 52: League Property
All Cups & Shields shall be the property of the North Tipperary & District League.

Cup & Shield Winners shall be responsible for their safe return.

· Rule 53: Return Date and Bond for Cup’s and Shield’s

The League shall have the right to obtain a Bond of €200 from Cup and Shield Winners, refundable
on  their safe return.  Return date for Cups and Shields shall be 4 weeks after winning.
Failure to do so will warrant fine and /or suspension.

· Rule 54: Competitions
League – Cup & Shields competitions  shall be open to all affiliated Clubs in N.T.&D.L.

· Rule 55: Final Venue
Cup & Shield Finals shall be played at a venue as decided by League Management.

· Rule 56: Cup and Shield Tied
No player can play with more than one team in the same Cup or Shield competition. CUP-Tied and SHIELD Tied RULE applies.

· Rule 57: Ineligible to Play in Cup
A player having already played in a Higher Division Cup Competition cannot play in a Lower Division Cup Competition in the same season. Rule applies to Clubs  with more than one Team, and to players who have transferred from one club to another.

· Rule 58: Ineligible to Play in Shield
A player having already played in a Higher Division Shield Competition cannot play in a Lower Division Shield Competition in the same season.

· Rule 59: Eligible to Play in Cup and Shield
A player shall be entitled to play in a Higher Division Cup or Shield Competition having already played in a Lower Division in the same season.

· Rule 60: Cup and Shield Games Home Advantage
. In all Cup and Shield Competitions the first Team drawn has home advantage, failure of the home team to provide a ground, tie re-fixed for opponents  ground (If a  blanket call-off of all games, original fixture to stand) In the event of both Teams being unable to provide ground the League may secure a neutral venue, cost to be shared by both Teams.

· Rule 61: Cup and Shield Games
. In all Cup Games  in the event of a draw after 90 minutes, 20 minutes of extra time to be  played, if still level FIFA Penalty Rule to Apply. In All Shield Games in the event of a draw after 90 minutes FIFA Penalty Rule to Apply.

· Rule 62: Tipperary Cup Final.

Tipperary Cup Final in the event of a draw after 90 minutes, 20 minutes of extra time shall  be played, if Teams still level FIFA Penalty Rule to Apply.  

· Rule 63: – Match Day Requirements

(63.1)     Proper Playing surface and Proper and Accurate Marking.

(63.2)   Three (3) Playable Footballs (home team)

(63.3)    Goal-Post must be secured and comply with FAI safety standards.

(63.4)   4 Corner Flags (5ft in Height above the ground.)

(63.5)   Payment to Referee before match.

(63.6)   Referees Card to be signed by Team Manager or Club Secretary.

(63.7)   Safe & Easy Access to Ground; Grounds must be sign-posted.

(63.8)   Both teams must have First Aid Kits on Match Day

(63.9)   Match results must be sent by Text to League Secretary before 5pm by the Home Team.  Match details must be sent to League PRO before 5pm. Failure to do so will warrant fine.

(63.10)   Teams responsible for late kick-off shall be fined accordingly.

(63.11)   All Clubs must provide changing facilities (Dressing Rooms)

(63.12)   Clubs Must be in possession of their Pitch prior to Season Kick-Off.

(63.13)   Pitch must be roped or railed off.

(63.14)   Technical Area must clearly outlined

(63.15)   Teams must be properly attired (Players must wear matching

               Jersey’s / Shorts/ Socks)

(63.16)   When because of weather conditions a pitch is unlikely to be playable,

              the Home Club must inspect their pitch before 9a.m.(morning game)

             (11am. afternoon game)  and advise League Secretary accordingly.

             Failure to do so will warrant fine and possible loss of home advantage.

(63.17) The League Secretary or Chairman shall have the right to authorise an independent inspection of pitch before game will be called off.
· Rule 64: Red Card
A Player sent off (Red Carded) must serve a minimum (automatic) 1 Match Suspension.     Suspension is effective from the subsequent match of the same competition Club will be notified of the total number of games to be served on and from date of notification. Suspension will apply to all subsequent competitive games.

· Rule 64 A: Right of Player  or Official Red Carded
A Player or Official sent off (receives red card) the field of play shall have the option of attending the next disciplinary committee meeting before his case is dealt with. League Secretary must be informed of Players / Officials intention to attend such meeting within 24 hours of sending off.

Rule 65: Booking Yellow Card
The League Management shall keep a record of all bookings (yellow card). A Player who accumulates Four (4) Yellow Cards (MFA and FAI Junior Cup Bookings to count) shall be suspended. Length of suspension will be determined by the nature of offences committed.

· Rule 66: Assault on Referee by Player
Any Player, whom the Referee has declared guilty of Assault, or attempted Assault on him during or immediately after a match shall automatically Stand Suspended until the League Management Committee has decided upon the case. In this connection, spitting at the Referee is regarded as an assault.

The minimum suspension on a Player found guilty of assaulting a referee shall be 12 months.

· Rule 67: Assault on Referee by Club Official or Member
Any Club Official or Member whom the Referee reports for Assault, Attempted Assault or Threatening Behaviour towards the Referee, will warrant Immediate Suspension for that Club. The Club will stand Suspended until special investigation by Management Committee is completed and the case decided upon.

· Rule 68: Suspension and Fines
Clubs will be informed in writing of Suspensions and Fines. Player will remain Suspended if  Fine is unpaid.

· Rule 69: Details of Suspension
A Player Suspended by N.T. & D.L for a number of games must serve Suspension from  N T & D S L games only.

· Rule 70: Suspended from all Activity
A Player or Official Suspended for a period of time will stand suspended from all Games and all Football-Related Activity during that time.

· Rule 71: Youth Suspension
Youth Players sent off in Youth game must serve suspension from Youth team only. Youth Player sent off in Junior game must serve suspension from Junior team only.

 Rule 72: Suspension Carry Over
Suspensions to carry over from one season to the next. Youth Players Suspension to apply to Junior team if no longer playing Youth Football.

· Rule 73: Protests
Protests must be sent by registered post to the League Secretary within four (4) days (Sundays and Public Holidays excluded) of the match concerned. An exact copy must be sent to the Club protested against. Protest cannot be withdrawn without the consent of League Management. A €50 fee must accompany Protest. Fee will be refunded if Appeal is upheld.

· Rule 74: Protest against Opponents Pitch
Clubs with complaints against opponents pitch should lodge complaint with League Secretary 4 days before fixture.

· Rule 75: Protest and Investigation of Illegal Player
In the case of protests, if the League Management have any doubts as to the legality of any player taking part in the match concerned, they shall have the power to call upon such Player or the Club to which the Player belong, to prove their legality. Failing satisfactory proof, the match may be awarded to the protesting club, and the offending Player dealt with as deemed fit by the Management Committee. Any Club found guilty of playing an Illegal Player will be fined a maximum of €500. The Player deemed to have play illegally will be Suspended accordingly.

· Rule 76: Legality of Player
All members of the Management Committee shall have the right to question the legality of any player in any game, and report his findings to the Management Committee.

· Rule 77: Complaint against Referee
Clubs with any grievances about Refereeing standards should lodge complaint in writing with the League Secretary and Secretary of the Referees Society within 7 days of match.

· Rule 78: Permission to Run Tournament
No Club shall have the right to run Tournaments, 5-A-Sides, 7-A-Sides, Inter-Firms ect., without first obtaining permission from the Munster Football Association. League Secretary shall supply on request application form for same. Clubs must have Public Liability Insurance cover for Tournament.

· Rule 79: Conditions of Appeal
 Any decision of the North Tipperary & District League Committee can be appealed to the Munster Football Association under the Appeal Rules of the Munster Football Association

· Rule 80: Clubs Responsible for Actions of Players / Officials / Spectators

All Clubs are answerable to the N T & D L for the actions of their Players, Officials and Spectators. 


· Rule 81: Protection of Referees

Clubs are required to take all precautions necessary to prevent Players / Club Members and Spectators threatening or assaulting Referee’s during or at the conclusion of matches or at any time thereafter.   


· Rule 82: Indemnity

The Officers and Management Committee of the North Tipperary & District League or other officials or servant of the League shall be indemnified by the League against all costs, losses and expenses incurred by them, respectively, in or about the discharge of their duties, except such as may happen from their own respective wilful acts of default.


· Rule 83:  Jurisdiction of League Management Committee

The North Tipperary & District League Management Committee shall have Jurisdiction in all matters concerned with Association Football in the North Tipperary League Area. They shall have the power to deal with, as they deem fit, any Club, Club Official, Member or Players in membership of the League deem guilty of misconduct or a breach of League Rules, or act in a manner prejudicial to the best interest of the North Tipperary and District League. 

General Rules 2012-2013

In the event of any discrepancy between the Rules of the North Tipperary & District League the Munster Football Association and the Football Association of Ireland.

The Rules of the Football Association of Ireland shall prevail.

Summary of Rules

Rule 1.   Title of League 

Rule 2.   Objective of League

Rule.3.   Constitution of Management Committee

Rule 4.   Mode of Voting

Rule 5.   Delegate Meetings

Rule 6.   Election to Management Committee

Rule 7.   A. G. M.  Agenda

Rule 8.   Motions for A. G. M.

Rule 9.    Special General Meeting

Rule 10.  Management Committee Rule

Rule 11.  Delegate Meeting Agenda

Rule 12.  Rights of League Management

Rule 13.  League and Club’s A. G. M.

Rule 14.  Rule Changes

Rule 15.  Power of management Committee

Rule 16.  Duties of Chairman

Rule 17.  Rules of Management Committee

Rule 18.  A. G. M. Reports

Rule 19.  Right to Request Investigation

Rule 20.  Right of Access to Books

Rule 21.  Club Investigation

Rule 22.  League Membership

Rule 23.  Objectionable Conduct

Rule 24.  Fees
Rule 25.  Public Liability and Players Insurance

Rule 26.  Club Officers

Rule 27.  Change of Secretary or Ground

Rule 28.  Registered Colours

Rule 29.  Team Colours

Rule 30.  Communication

Rule 31.  League Property 

Rule 32.  Player Registration

Rule 33.  Registration and Transfer Forms

Rule 34.  Return of Registration Form

Rule 35.  Transfer’s

Rule 36.  Transfer Sanctioned

Rule 37.  Legality of Transfer

Rule 38.  Transfer Refusal

Rule 39.  Ineligible to play

Rule 40.  Transfer Deadlines

Rule 41.  Failing to Fulfil Fixture

Rule 42.  Withdrawing Team

Rule 43.  Fine for Withdrawing Team

Rule 44.  Points Awarded

Rule 45.  Points Deducted

Rule 46.  Fixtures

Rule 47.  Fixture Postponement

Rule 48.  Match Abandoned

Rule 49.  Suspended Person

Rule 50.  Right to Appeal Decisions  of N. T. & D. L.

Rule 51.  Right to Appeal Decision of M. F. A.

Rule 52.  League Property

Rule 53.  Return Date and Bond for Cup’s and Shield’s

Rule 54.  Competitions

Rule 55.  Final’s Venue

Rule 56.  Cup and Shield Tied

Rule 57.  Ineligible to Play in Cup

Rule 58.  Ineligible to Play in Shield

Rule 59.  Eligible to Play in Cup and Shield

Rule 60.  Cup and Shield Games Home Advantage

Rule 61.  Cup and Shield Games

Rule 62.  Tipperary Cup Final

Rule 63.  Match Day Requirements

Rule 64.  Right of Player Red Carded

Rule 65.  Booking’s (Yellow Cards)

Rule 66.  Assault on Referee by Player

Rule 67.  Assault on Referee by Official or Member

Rule 68.  Suspensions and Fines

Rule 69.  Details of Suspension

Rule 70.  Suspended from all Activity

Rule 71.  Youth Suspension

Rule 72.  Suspension Carry-Over

Rule 73.  Protests

Rule 74.  Protest Against Opponents Pitch

Rule 75.  Protest and Investigation of Illegal Player

Rule 76.  Legality of Player

Rule 77.  Complaint against Referee

Rule 78.  Permission to Run Tournament

Rule 79.  Conditions of Appeal

Rule 80.  Clubs Responsible for Players / Officials / Spectators

Rule 81.  Protection of Referee’s

Rule 82.  Indemnity

Rule 83.  Jurisdiction of League Management Committee




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