• Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

North Tipperary & District League

Supporting Amatuer Soccer


NT&DL Clubs – 2014/2015 Season

Name of Club:            Ardcroney F. C.
Secretary:                    Kieran Holland
Address:                      Ashley Park, Ardcroney, Nenagh.
Phone:                         087 765 25 49  –   067 38626
e-mail:                         kieran2015@hotmail.com
Emergency No.           087 637 27 64 (Dave Slattery)
Pitch Location:            Ardcroney Village
Away Colours:            Blue / Black Trim: Youths Dark Green

Name of Club:            Arra Rovers F. C.
Secretary:                    John Gleeson
Address:                      Cross, Portroe,  Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
Phone:                         086 377 24 18  – 067 23110
e-mail:                         Portroe@spar.ie
Emergency No.           087 6962206       (Kieran Creamer)
Pitch Location:            Portroe Cross and Newtown.
Away Colours:            Red  & White : (Youths Red & White)

Name of Club:            Ballymackey F. C.
Secretary:                    Gerard Hogan
Address:                      Ballysteena, Cloughjordan
Phone:                         086 898 02 69
e-mail:                         gerhogan@rocketmail.com
Emergency No.           0867 278 87 64  (George Haverty)
Pitch Location:            Ballinree Sports Field Ballymackey
Away Colours:            (A) Blue / Black  (B) Green  (Youths Red / Navy) 

Name of Club:             Ballywilliam F C
Secretary:                    Damien Brady
Address:                      Pallas Derg, Newtown, Nenagh Co. Tipp
Phone:                         087 622 36 56
e-mail:                         damienbrady88@yahoo.ie
Emergency No.           087 792  82 69  (David Corrigan)
Pitch Location:            Birdhill F C Grounds.
Away Colours:            White.

Name of Club:               Barnane  F. C.
ecretary:                       Jim Kinane
Address:                         Killoskehane, Drom, Thurles..
Phone:                            086 409 19 70  –  (0504-50903 )
e-mail:                            joelumpton1989@gmail.com
Emergency No.              086 608 43 97 (Aidan Aherne)
Pitch Location:              Garda College, Templemore
Away Colours:              Blue & White

Name of Club:           B. T. Harps
Secretary:                   Henry Newman
Address:                    Main Street, Borrisoleigh, Thurles, Co. Tipp.
Phone:                        086 035 40 69   –   0504-32147
e-mail:                        HNEWMAN133@gmail.com
Emergency No.          086 887 04 66  (Mick Taylor)
Pitch Location:          Priory Place, Roscrea Road, Templemore.
Away Colours:           (A Black/White) (B Blue)(Youths Black & White)

Name of Club:           Borrisokane F. C.
Secretary:                   Jamie Donnelly
Address:                    Ballylina, Borrisokane, Co. Tipp.
Phone:                        087 902 99 07
e-mail:                        borrisokanefc2010@gmail.com
Emergency no.           087 1273546  (P. J. Molloy)
Pitch Location:          Borrisokane Community Sports Grounds
Away Colours:           (A)Red & Black. (B) Red & Black   

Name of Club:           Borroway Rovers
Secretary:                   Eilish Glleson Treacy
Address:                    12, Ard Mhuire, Thurles.
Phone:                        086 368 76 26
e-mail                         gouldpaul@rocketmail.com
Emergency No            (087 124 76 57  (Bernard Keane)
Pitch Location:          Loughtagalla Park, Thurles.
Away Colours:           White & Black 

Name of Club:            Birdhill F C
Secretary:                    Margaret Hogan
Address:                      Coosane, Birdhill
Phone:                         086 378 01 69
e-mail                          margarethogan@hotmail.com
Emergency No.           086 807 01 82 (Anthony Floyd)
Pitch Location:            Birdhill – Nenagh – Limerick Road .
Away Colours:            Maroon or White

Name of Club:            Clodiagh Rangers F. C.
Secretary:                    Denis McCullagh
Address:                     Ballinhow, Ballycahill, Thurles.
Phone:                         087 205 82 55
e-mail:                         denismccullagh@hotmail.com
 Emergency  No.          086 406 52 99  (Eamonn Maher)
Pitch Location:           Drombane Village
Away Colours:           A B C  Teams – Navy & White

Name of Club:               Cloughjordan  F. C.
Secretary:                       Eoin Killackey
Address:                        Station Road, Cloughjordan. Co. Tipperary
Phone:                            086 271 70 00
e-mail                             eoin.killackey@hotmail.com
Emergency  No.             087 418 35 63  (Tom Killackey)
Pitch Location:              Behamore, Cloughjordan.
Away Colours:              (A -Black White ) (B-Green & Yellow)

Name of Club:               Gurtagarry  F. C.
Secretary:                       Gerard Ryan
Address:                         Glenaguile, Toomevara, Nenagh.
Phone:                            087 953 26 21  – 067 26167
e-mail:                            gerpryan@hotmail.com
Emergency No.              086 321 80 30 (Sean Hogan)
Pitch Location:              Latteragh, Seanins, – Thurles Road Nenagh..
Away Colours               Blue & White   

Name of Club:             Holycross  F. C.
Secretary:                     Ann Marie Hayes
Address:                      Glenreigh, Holycross, Thurles.
Phone:                          087 751 67 58  -( 0504  43809)
e-mail                           annieh27@live.ie
Emergency No.           086 068 86 48  (Thomas Dunne)
Pitch Location:            Glenbane, Cashel Road, Holycross.
Away Colours:             Green   (Youths Black/White)

Name of Club:             Kilcommon  F. C.
Secretary:                     Rodger Carr
Address:                      Loughbrack, Kilcommon, Thurles
Phone:                          086 084 89 66
e-mail:                          carrodge83@hotmail.com
Emergency No.            087 272 23 66  (Tom Ryan)
Pitch Location:            Kilcommon Village
Away Colour                Green White Stripes:

Name of Club:             Lough  Derg  F. C.
Secretary:                    Joey English
Address:                      Ballynevin, Bridgetown, Co. Clare.
Phone:                         086 320 90 95
e-mail.                         joeybearla@gmail.com
Emergency No.            089 4654281  (Mike Flynn)
Pitch Location:            Clarrisford Park Killaloe  or Benny’s Field Ballina
Away Colours:              A & B Yellow   (Youths Yellow)


Name of Club:             Moneygall F C
Secretary:                     John Kennedy
Address:                     Clynoe, Cloughjordan, Co. Tipp.
Phone:                          087 622 73 57
e-mail:                          jkennedy@glanbia.ie
Emergency No.            087 939 74 22  (Mark Moroney)
Pitch Location:            Ballingrawn, Cloughjordan.
Away Colours:            Blue / Red


Name of Club:           Nenagh A. F. C.
Secretary:                   Dearan O’Gorman
Address:                     105, Springfort Meadows, Nenagh.
Phone:                        086 074 40 02
e-mail:                        dearano@yahoo.ie
Emergency No.           086 839 58 28)  (Shane O’Gorman)
Pitch Location:           Bricksfields and Islandbawn
Away Colours            (A Blue) (B-C Navy )Youths Blue


Name of Club:           Nenagh Celtic
Secretary:                   Stephen Ryan
Address:                     71, Cormack Drive,, Nenagh.
Phone:                         085 101 40 75
E-mail:                         Stevieryan26@live.ie
Emergency No.            087 769 52 69 (Danny Ryan)
Pitch Location:            Vocational School  Grounds Nenagh.
Away Colours:             (A -B & Youths: Yellow  / Black


Name of Club:             Portumna Town
Secretary:                    Derek Mannion
Address:                      Ballymacegan, Nenagh, Co.Tipperary
Phone:                         087 834 51 40
e-mail                          dman4tip@Yahoo.com
Emergency No            087 695 44 87 (Seamus Lynch)
Pitch Location:            Church Road Portumna or Lorrha
Away Colours:            Yellow with Blue Shorts

Name of Club:            Rearcross  F. C.
Secretary:                    Ger Kennedy
Address:                      Foilduff, Rearcross, Newport.
Phone:                         087 810 45 54  –  062 79990
e-mail:                         ger.kennedy@rearcrossfc.com
Emergency No.           087 650 22 42   (Dermot Hammersley)
Pitch Location:            Rearcross Village
Away Colours:            (A / B & Youths) Green & White

Club:                             Roscrea United
Secretary:                      Stephen Glynn
Address:                       83, Assumption Park, Roscrea, Co. Tipp.
Phone:                           087 902 88 60
e-mail                            roscreaunitedfc@gmail.com
Emergency No              086 443 85 85 (Pat Lee)
Pitch Location:             Kennedy Park Plying Field, Roscrea.
Away Colours:             (A) Red  (B) Red

Name of Club:              Sallypark Odhrans F. C.
Secretary:                      Anthony Madden
Address:                       Kilfithmone, Borrisoleigh, Thurles, Co. Tipp.
Phone:                           087 134 02 21
e-mail:                           Anthy87m@hotmail.com
Emergency No.             086 162 00 17   (Joe Shanahan)
Pitch Location:              Sallypark, Latteragh, Nenagh
Away Colours:             (A  Team Red)  (B Team Black & Yellow)

Name of Club:              Shannon Rangers
Secretary:                      Becky Donnoghue
Address:                       Coolbawn,  Nenagh, Co. Tipperary
Phone:                           086 274 15 55
e-mail                            beckyodonoghue@gmail.com
Emergency No              087 764 07 79   (Damien Moran)
Pitch Location:             Ballinderry,  Sportsfield.
Away Colours:             Black / Red Trim

Name of Club:              Streamstown Celtic
Secretary:                      Jennifer (Katie) Spencer
Address:                       Grange, Roscrea, Co. Tipp.
Phone:                           087 791 62 29
e-mail                            streamstowncelticfc@hotmail.com
Emergency No              087 983 87 40(Derek Halpin)
Pitch Location:             Fanure, Roscrea.
Away Colours:             A & B Teams Navy Blue

Name of Club:             Templetuohy  F. C.
Secretary::                     Pat Meade
Address:                       Longochard, Templetuohy, Thurles.
Phone:                           087 952 34 41
e-mail:                           ochardcabs@yahoo.co.uk
Emergency No.             086 863 08 26 (Richard Fogarty)
Pitch Location:             Killoran Park Moyne, Thurles.
Away Colours:             Blue Black Stripes 

Name of Club:             Thurles Town  F. C.
Secretary:                     John Murphy
Address:                      42, Collins Park, Thurles.
Phone:                          087 938 28 67
e-mail                            thurlestownfc@eircom.net
Emergency No.             086 839 24 66   (Joe Brophy)
Pitch Location:             Greyhound Stadium Thurles.
Away Colours:             Blue.

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